Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Making a list...

And so it begins, the endless 'so, what do you want for Christmas?' questioning from family.  To be perfectly honest I hate being put on the spot, I can never think of anything off the cuff and if I'm given money to buy anything I may want chances are it goes on something for the kids!
So I thought I's have a bit of a ponder and make a little wishlist kinda thing, there's a few handmade sellers out there whose wares I have my eye on, starting with the awesome Santa Macabre - Maria is a fabulous local designer who has been building her business for a few years now, on top of which she also organises the Vintage Pretty craft market in Cardiff.  Maria is also vegan so uses only vegan friendly materials in her designs.
A little spoilt for choice to say the least but I picked out my 3 favourite pieces (I'm sure some would say the first one is very apt), the attention to detail is stunning!  

As a girl can never have enough jewellery I move on to another favourite of mine, Shottle Bop.  I already own their Strumpet Water potion necklace and I look forward to maybe adding a few more to my collection.  Miss Lydia and The Doctor come up with such delightful descriptions on the miniature bottles and you can also create your own custom piece, not forgetting that they also have a 'Degenerate Gents' section for the man in your life. 
Strumpet Water - Click Image to Close C₂H₅OH - Click Image to Close Awesome Sauce - Click Image to Close
Ok, I fibbed, not everything on my list is going to be of the handmade variety! As a roller derby girl I have to have a few pretties creep on there too and on that part of the list is a vest and tee from Derby Girls Clothing I've been coveting for a while, they're another local company who hand print all their merchandise and I can't wait to see the new tote bag they've been leaving teasers about on Twitter.

So, dear family, if you should happen to chance by my rambling for this morning, this should give you more than enough idea into my randomness and thus avoid the 'socks and smellies' tradition (unless its from LUSH!).  I am supporting handmade, I am supporting Welsh made, I am supporting made with love!

*all pictures copyright their respective owners, please click the image to be taken to their pages

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